Monday, May 29, 2006

Plus qu'un jeu

Children are the future of any society,so the fact that nowadays they are becoming more violent should worry us .however,neither children nor their families are directly responsible for this serious social issue.Many believe that the growing number of violent TV programmes is to blame,as children quite often imitate what they see.But if violence on television has a negative influence on children,what about computer games ?

There is no doubt that computer games have made the problem worse.Now children aren’t just watching violent scenes ;they are also taking part in them.Both the graphics and the sound are so realistic that it feels like you are actually there.The fact that you scoure points by shooting,killing,blowing things up or even running people over with a car encourages violent behaviour.Unlike TV programmes,computer games don’t show the real consequences of violence.So,children gradually get used to violence and in the end they either accept ut or,even worse,copy it themselves.

Of course, not all computer games are a bad influence on children.The question is :how can children-and their parents-know if a game is suitable for their age ?
In 1994 the ESRB(Entertainment Software Rating Board) in Canada developed a rating system isn’t always reliable, but it’s better thanb nothing. Unfortunately, there is no way of controlling what kind of games children get on their own, as they cans easily euther buy or hir whatever they want. The entretainment industry wants. The entretainment industry wants to sell as much as possible and violence ‘sell’.in the year 2000 one billion dollars was spent on advertising violent computer games,most of which were aimed at children and teenagers.

There doesn’t seem to be an easy solution to the probleme.however, it is obivious that children shouldn’t be allowed to play any computer game they want. Parents , on the other hand, should be better informed of the content of the games their children choose and have a say in this choice.


At Monday, 29 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like so much video games.
But now i'am addict to blog.
A new kind of addiction.
Congratulations for this beautiful note.

Bon j'ai pas tout perdu quand même.
Merci de me faire réviser.

At Monday, 29 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you and always prefered Walt Disney's to japanese shits...

Sorry, just a question : Where's the picture...? ;-)

At Monday, 29 May, 2006, Blogger lynn said...


Que cela soit la télévision ou les jeux sur ordinateur, il faut qu'il y ait un contrôle parental sur le choix des programmes.
Un enfant au début imite, cherche à trouver ses propres repères.
Le plus souvent, les jeux sont choisis en fonction de ceux qui sont à la "mode" ,marketing oblige. Mais ce que l'on peut constater, c'est que par moments: les parents à force de céder aux choix de leurs enfants, favorisent le jeu à la lecture.


At Tuesday, 30 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you
Me for example since I was young I didn't like the games electronics, is maintenent I am quiet trés contrary to my brothers who spend their times looking at the mangas or to play violent games.
Because of that, they are them as violent

Thank you


At Tuesday, 30 May, 2006, Blogger crucivore said...

very right analysis.
u forgot msn and his effect on the blogomania.
Thank u 'nd ASAP lovely A.

At Tuesday, 30 May, 2006, Blogger nour said...

i agree with you and with lynn, les jeux a la lecture..
in my opinion, i prefer the ancient greek way of raising kids, teaching them martial arts and music; one tames the soul, the other provides sensitivity, creating a balanced being.

At Wednesday, 31 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

merci Chaima pour ton initiative!
contre la mauvaise éducation "stop au bof"!

At Friday, 09 June, 2006, Blogger Hujaina said...

salam miss
well, intertainment industry make us consume, we suposed to be parents so we cosume everything thye produce how can we limit children's game consuming if we dont start with ourselvs?? we have to live in a cottage for that
good luck


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